England's Splendid Daughters
England’s Splendid Daughters is a physical theatre piece based on the memoirs of ambulance drivers in World War I. When the British were losing the war, in order to send more men to the trenches, they promoted all service level staff to the front lines. To replace the ambulance drivers, the British Armed Forces sought out unmarried women who knew how to drive a car. Unintentionally, they recruited a bunch of lesbians. England’s Splendid Daughters was written to prove to ourselves and the world that queer people have always been heroes.
The project was a part of the Iowa Director's Festival, a four-show, two weekend repertory of one-act plays.
University of Iowa, Spring 2021
Director and Playwright: Ann Kreitman
Costume Design: Kaelen Novak
Scenic Design: Edward Matthew Walter
Lighting Design: Alastair Sigala Ramirez
Sound Design: Katie Polaschek