Letters from Cuba
Letters from Cuba seamlessly moves back and forth in time, place and spirit, linking a recently emigrated dancer in New York City to her family across the sea in Cuba. The play interweaves familial, romantic, and platonic love into a singular feeling of closeness and affection. A poetic reflection on the act of artistic creation, on memory and dreams, on longing desires and how the yearning of a brother and sister to reunite is so strong it defies the logic of time and space. Letters from Cuba quietly explores the connections and separations between people and across borders, through and ethereal, dreamy lens. 
The project was a part of the Iowa Director's Festival, a four-show, two weekend repertory of one-act plays.
University of Iowa, Spring 2021

Director: Natalie Villamonte Zito
Playwright: Maria Irene Fornes
Costume Design: Kaelen Novak
Scenic Design: Edward Matthew Walter
Lighting Design: Alastair Sigala Ramirez 
Media Design: Daniel Fine and Emily Berkheimer
Sound Design: Natalie Villamonte Zito
Dance Choreography: Sonya Madrigal